Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Information Technology Management, AH! AH! AH!

so, kyle indirectly told me he hates me for not owning a blog... he is one of my very most favorite people in this world, so i decided to give this bidness a shot. i have a horrible habit of feeling completely worthless if i'm not busy, so consequently i'm currently working at least 50hrs/wk at my full time job, attending college part time, and also working another part time gig.

that being said- i'm not sure how often this thing will get updated, or what the fuck i'll even say. but i do occaisionally enjoy getting my thoughts out of my mind and into some sort of tangible medium, so we'll see how this goes.

not to say in any way that i should be a therapist instead of an IT professional; but i've been [probably jokingly] told by a number of people that i should write a book. nobody ever says what about though. they usually say it immediately after i tell a crazy story or go off on a tangent about abortion or religion. perhaps this'll help me nail down a good topic.

meh. whatevs. anyway, the professor of the class i'm currently sitting in looks, and more shockingly, acts like 'the count' from sesame street. i shit you not. he even has a crazy laugh!

yeah, dude.